Attack your Allergies!

Conquer Allergens and Reclaim Your Life with PURIFYD®️SYSTEMS


Are allergies ruining your day? Are you tired of constantly sneezing, sniffling, and rubbing your eyes, but not knowing why? It's time to take control.

Allergens, the tiny pesky invaders that trigger your body's immune response, are all around you. They're on your clothes, in your bed, and lurking in the air you breathe. But don't let them win. Fight back with PURIFYD®️SYSTEMS, the leading sanitizing brand that offers practical solutions to reduce allergies' impact.

In this blog post, we'll outline some simple yet effective steps for combating allergens and discuss how PURIFYD®️SYSTEMS can be your secret weapon in this battle against invisible foes.


1. Understand Your Allergens

The first step in tackling allergens is to identify what's causing your symptoms. Common allergens include pollen, dust mites, mold spores, and pet dander. Keep track of when and where your symptoms occur, and consider getting an allergy test to pinpoint the specific allergens affecting you.

2. Create a Sanitized Environment

Maintaining a clean and santized living space is crucial in minimizing allergens. Regularly vacuum, dust, and wash surfaces to remove allergen buildup. Use air purifiers with HEPA filters to trap airborne particles, and replace filters as recommended. Don't forget to clean or replace furnace and air conditioning filters, too.


3. Sanitize High-Touch Surfaces

Disinfecting high-touch surfaces like doorknobs, light switches, and countertops is essential in reducing allergens. PURIFYD®️SYSTEMS offers a range of effective sanitizing products designed to kill germs and allergens on contact, making it easy to keep your home allergen-free.

Keep a pack of Defender HP Disinfectant Wipes available for all those high-touch surfaces.

The best bits:

  • Provides hospital-level disinfection in 3 minutes

  • Kills 99.9% of bacteria in 15 seconds

  • Kills the virus that causes COVID-19 in 1 minute

  • Non-abrasive, non-scratch, and bleach free


4. Protect Your Bedding & Carpets

Your bed and carpets can be breeding grounds for allergens, especially dust mites and pet dander. To safeguard your sleeping space, encase your mattress, box spring, and pillows in allergen-proof covers to create a barrier against these microscopic pests. Wash your sheets, pillowcases, and blankets regularly in hot water to eliminate allergens.

Carpets, on the other hand, can trap allergens deep within their fibers, making them difficult to remove with regular vacuuming. Consider investing in a high-quality vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter designed to capture even the smallest particles. Vacuum at least twice a week, paying special attention to high-traffic areas and spots where your pets frequent.

For an added layer of protection, use PURIFYD®️SYSTEMS carpet cleaning products, specially formulated to remove allergens and sanitize your carpets effectively. Alternatively, you may want to consider replacing carpets with hard flooring, which is easier to clean and less likely to harbor allergens.

By taking these proactive steps to protect your bedding and carpets, you'll create a cleaner, more allergen-free environment in your home, contributing to improved health and well-being.


5. Keep Pollen Outside

During pollen season, take precautions to prevent allergens from entering your home. Keep windows and doors closed, and use air conditioning to maintain a comfortable temperature. When you come indoors, remove your shoes, change your clothes, and shower to wash off any pollen you've collected throughout the day.

6. Control Pet Allergens

If you have pets, groom them regularly to reduce dander and bathe them to remove allergens from their fur. Designate pet-free zones in your home, and wash pet bedding frequently. Our laundry products are safe for Fido too!

With PURIFYD®️SYSTEMS on your side, you can take charge of your allergies and enjoy a healthier, happier life. Explore our range of sanitizing products designed to help you conquer allergens and reclaim your home.

Don't let allergies control you – fight back with PURIFYD®️SYSTEMS today!


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