Keep Rodents Out of Your Garage With These Tips!

Houses built near fields and vegetation are often a prime target for mice in search of food and shelter. This is particularly true in areas where temperatures fluctuate throughout the year and mice become more desperate for warmth during the winter months. With garages providing a convenient source of shelter, it's no wonder why these small rodents can become a nuisance in homes. In fact, garages and sheds that go unused for long periods of time can be an even more attractive target. So, it's important to take measures to keep mice and rats out of these spaces and prevent them from wreaking havoc on your home and potentially exposing you to Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome, a very nasty and potentially fatal illness.

What Attracts Mice and Rats and Other Rodents?

Mice are notorious for their constant gnawing and feeding habits, which can cause a lot of trouble in your garage. These small creatures leave behind droppings that are typically black or brown in color and shaped like grains of rice. Given that mice tend to live in large groups, it's not uncommon to find piles of droppings in areas where they've taken up residence. While spotting a mouse scurrying along a wall is a surefire indication of an infestation, there are other telltale signs to look out for. For example, bags or containers of dog food, bird seed, or lawn seed may have holes that look chewed up, as mice will often consume these items if they're left unprotected. And keep an eye out for seeds scattered throughout the garage, as mice are notoriously messy eaters. By identifying these signs early on, you can take action to prevent mice from overtaking your garage and causing damage to your property.

How do I keep Mice Out of the Garage?

If you're looking to keep mice out of your garage, there are several steps you can take to make it less appealing to these pesky critters.

  • Start by storing grass seed, dog food, and bird seed in sealed containers or bins, as these items are a prime source of food for mice.

  • Clearing out clutter and keeping things organized can also help prevent mice from taking up residence in your garage.

  • In addition, it's important to seal any cracks and gaps that may provide entry points for rodents.

  • Be sure to cut back any tree branches that touch the roof of your garage, as this can provide an easy route for mice to access your property.

  • Consider moving trash cans outdoors and sealing them tightly, and store firewood as far away from your garage and house as possible.

Real Talk about Rodents and Hantavirus

While the risk of exposure to Hantavirus is low (just over 300 cases reported annually in the Americas - including the United States and Canada), the impact is significant with fatality rates close to 60%. There is no available treatment and the best defense is prevention.

Human hantavirus infection is in the rise in the US and Canada and isn't just a risk in rural areas. The virus is transmitted through the inhalation of rodent droppings, urine, and saliva, so anywhere where rodents nest - can be a risk.

So be sure to take precautions and stay safe, no matter where you live! For more information, visit Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS) | American Lung Association.

I’ve tried the obvious solutions. What else can I do to keep rodents out of my shed or garage?

If you've tried the above tips and still find that mice are making their way into your garage, it may be time to consider a chemical barrier.

It's important to choose a product that is both effective and safe for your family and pets. Look for rodent repellents that use natural ingredients like peppermint oil, which has been shown to deter mice without harming humans or pets.

By taking a proactive approach to rodent control, you can protect your home and family from the dangers of a mouse infestation.

ZP Rodent Rage Outdoor Barrier is the solution you've been looking for to keep rodents at bay. Made with natural repellent oils, this spray makes rodents uncomfortable and keeps them outside where they belong. The best part? It has a pleasant scent for humans, so you won't have to deal with any unpleasant odors.

One of the great things about Rodent Rage is that it is safe and effective. You won't have to worry about exposing yourself, your family, or your pets to toxic chemicals. The natural ingredients are gentle on the environment and still get the job done. This makes it a great option for pet owners who want to protect their space without any harm to their furry friends.

Another benefit of using ZP Rodent Rage Outdoor Barrier is that you can create a perimeter around your property to keep rodents out. Many people have experienced the frustration of finding mice or rats in their garage or shed. With this spray, you can easily spray the surrounding areas to create an outdoor barrier and prevent any unwanted visitors.


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